Planning obligations can be used to make sure developers contribute towards the infrastructure and services that are necessary to mitigate the impact of a development on the local community. These are agreed between the planning authority - us - the County Council if their services are included and the developer / landowners under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
Any obligation is aimed at mitigating the impact of a development and are subject to strict tests to ensure that they are justified. Obligations may restrict the use of a development or land in a specified way such as maintaining an affordable housing provision; require particular operations or activities to be carried out on the land or by a certain time to ensure that an obligation is provided at an appropriate time; provide for additional off site highways works due to the impact of the development of the road system; or to require sums to be paid for to us or other service providers to cover provision outside of the developer’s control such as education.
Further advice can be found in the Council’s Guidance on Developer Contributions and Completing Section 106 Agreements document (linked at the bottom of the page) and the County Council’s Guidance on their Developer Contributions Page.
Infrastructure Funding Statement
The Council has published its Infrastructure Funding Statement for 2023/24 which can be found on the linked page.
For queries relating to Section 106 monitoring and developer contributions contact
Related Documents (2)
- Guidance on Developer Contributions and Completing Section 106 Agreements (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- Guidance on COVID19 S106 deferral requests (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
Last updated: Wed 15 January, 2025 @ 12:56